Muhammad Ali- Joe Bugner II press kit (PK01)
This is a press kit that was given out to the media before this fight. With Ali fighting all over the world a lot of newspapers especially the smaller ones did not send there reporters to he country were fight was held, they went to the closed circuit telecast in there area like the rest of us. This was Don kings first endeavour as an independent international promoter. Billed as 'The Triple Crown Spectacular' This was the first time in television history that the public would be offered three authentic world championship fights. this is also the first time since Mike Jacobs staged "The Carnival of Champions" with four championship fights at the Polo grounds on September 23, 1937 that three or more fights have been put on one show. The main event was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and the other two championships between Middleweight champion Carlos Monzon defending his title against Tony Licata and Light Heavyweight champion Victor Galindez defending against Jorge Ahumada were fought at Madison Square Gardens in New york.